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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Spider-Man 3 System : Nintendo Wii Date Added : 2007-08-04 04:52:44 Views : 34701 Random gang If you go to a crime area that is already been taken over by the police, you may still answer, but it will be challenges with a random gang. Note that nothing will happen to the area once you complete the mission. Unlock Symbiote Spider-Man's story mode Successfully complete the game as Spider-Man to unlock Symbiote Spider-Man's story mode. Fight against Sandman In your first encounter with Sandman, do not try to attack him, just stay close to him. Counter-attack him several times on different levels to finally battle him. Unfortunately, you must use the Black suit to damage him. Just hit him around until you are prompted to give him a bath. Keep doing this cycle until you defeat him. Easy gang eradication Immediately after you defeat The Sandman for the first time in the "Mary Jane's Favorite Band" mission and before you "Meet Mary Jane At The Restaurant", you cannot take off the Black suit. During this time period, which does not end until you start the next mission, you can wear the Black suit without any damage being done to you. Use this time to clear the city of all gang activity. This may take awhile, but it is easier with the Black suit. Web swinging upgrades You can earn upgrades for this ability by using it a lot. Easy kills To easily defeat enemies jump then keep tapping both Attack buttons. Fight against Michael When you are trying to open the boarded up windows, if you are far away from him he will do a long jump towards you. Then it takes him a few seconds to recover to attack. Before he jumps, do not stand in the yellow circles. Instead, stand next to the wall opposite the windows. He will now jump to there, recover, etc. While he is recovering, pull down the boards. When he jumps into the light, attack him. Keep doing this until his and his wife's life runs out to complete the level. Black Spider-Man suit Collect all 50 Black Spider Tokens to get the black Spider-Man suit to wear whenever desired for as long as you want. Fight against Venom Before this battle, go to the upgrade menu and make sure you have the melee attack volley. Then, fight. Depending on your health level, you may or may not want to use the power up. At the moment, you can easily jump over Venom, confuse him, and chip away at his health. Keep doing this until his black suit begins to "glow". Now when you jump over him he will run away. This is a good opportunity to use your new attack and chip at him, occasionally giving some hits. Keep hitting him until his "glow" gets bigger and eventually Harry will tell you to knock Venom into the air. He'll fall back to the ground same as before, easily confused. Repeat this cycle until his health is really low and you can finish him off. Token collection While swinging through the city you might hear a chime. This indicates that you are close to a token. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Spider-Man 3 cheat codes.
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